Cataract Photo Feature of the Month

Cataract in the eye

Cataracts are the clouding of the eye’s natural lens that affects vision. The lens works much like a camera lens and focuses light on the retina at the back of the eye, and is made up of water and protein. The proteins may clump together over time and cause clouding of the vision. If you… Read More

Cataract Surgery: When is the Right Time?

Four Questions to Help You Decide When It’s Right Time to Have Cataract Surgery If you have been told that you have a cataract how do you decide when it’s time to have cataract surgery and lens implants? This may be challenging but doesn’t need to be difficult if you know how to think it… Read More

Sports Eye Injuries: Which Sports Are Most Likely?

Kids wearing protective eyewear

Which Kids Are Most Likely to Have Sports Eye Injuries? Sports eye injuries are most likely to occur in kids playing basketball, baseball and participating in cycling according to a study published in JAMA Ophthalmology. Of the 30,000-annual emergency room visits for sports related eye injuries the majority happens to kids under the age of… Read More

Retinal Detachment: What is it?

Retinal detachment

This photo montage shows a retinal detachment. The white areas of the retina are the detached portion, as it is elevated above the back surface of the eye. If left untreated, this may cause permanent impaired vision. Some early signs of retinal detachment are flashes of light and a sudden onset of floaters. If you… Read More

AMD & Physical Activity

Active seniors on bikes

Does Physical Activity Help Protect Against Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)? The benefits of staying active throughout life are constantly being reviewed and communicated to people of all ages-but especially seniors. The benefits include joint and muscle health as well as cognitive processes, mood and cardiovascular health to name a few. Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)… Read More

Undiagnosed Age Related Macular Degeneration

Eye Exam sign

With the benefit of early diagnosis and treatment, seniors can manage their risk of vision loss from Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) and protect their sight and lifestyle. The key is early detection and diagnosis by having regular eye exams as recommended by your eye doctor. Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of irreversible… Read More

Drusen: What Are They?

Age-Related Macular Degeneration Image

The white-yellow circular areas are called Drusen. They are lipid products that build up under the retina over time. This is an example of the dry type of macular degeneration, which affects 80% of macular degeneration patients. If you or someone you know has not had a recent eye exam, especially if you are over 50… Read More

Seniors: Eye Exams Key to AMD Detection

Example Of Vision With Macular Degeneration

Seniors can take an important step in preventing vision loss from Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) by scheduling regular eye exams and sharing their risk factors with their eye doctor. Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of blindness among older Americans, but thanks to recent treatment advances we have dramatically changed the course of… Read More

Glaucoma: Diet, Health & Lifestyle

Fruits Veggies

Glaucoma: Diet, Health & Lifestyle: What You Need to Know! As glaucoma is a chronic eye disease, we are often asked by glaucoma patients what diet, health and lifestyle factors can helpful or harmful to their eye health. There is a need to separate fact from fiction on recommendations and yet we can all take… Read More

Glaucoma, Eye Pressure & Inhalers: No Need to Worry!

Asthma Inhalers

Glaucoma, Eye Pressure & Allergy Steroid Inhalers For certain patients taking oral steroid medications for asthma or severe arthritis can actually elevate their intraocular pressure (IOP) and cause them to develop glaucoma. In the recent past, it has become very common to treat the symptoms of season allergies-such as a runny nose, itching and sneezing,… Read More