Halloween can be a fun time for people of all ages! Maybe you don’t eat candy, but dressing up is always fun.
Halloween is a great excuse for adults to put on costumes, wigs, and makeup to try out a different look. But sometimes cosmetic changes, even if temporary, can cause permanent damage to your sight.
Each October, the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) observes Halloween Safety Month. Keep reading to learn why it’s about more than costumes during Halloween safety month!
Contact Lenses Aren’t Toys
Many people choose to wear cosmetic contact lenses to accessorize their costumes. These lenses can allow you to have different-colored eyes or spooky eyes.
What might seem like harmless fun is actually a dangerous risk. Contact lenses are not toys.
They are medical devices that require a prescription. For a contact lens to be safe, it has to be properly fitted by an eye-care professional.
Don’t buy or wear contact lenses that aren’t prescribed by your eye doctor, especially any that are labeled as cosmetic lenses. An ill-fitting contact lens can cause numerous problems for your eyes.
They can rub, scratch, or abrade your eyes and cause permanent damage to your cornea.
Infections from Contacts
Cosmetic contact lenses aren’t like prescription contact lenses from your eye doctor. They may not even be sterile when you put them in your eye.
Non-sterile contact lenses can introduce bacteria, viruses, and amoebas into your eye. This increases your risk of serious eye infections such as keratitis.
Precautions for Fake Eyelashes
Just because you’re wearing something outside your eye doesn’t mean it can’t affect your eyes. Eyelash extensions are popular but may also put your eyes at risk.
Many people can have allergic reactions to the glue or eyelashes themselves. It’s important to exercise caution when considering using eyelashes to ensure you are not putting your eyes at risk.
Be Smart With Eye Makeup
Makeup is usually safe around the eyes, but decorative Halloween eye makeup often relies on metallic, glitter, or flaky materials for special effects. It’s essential to be careful with this type of eye makeup.
If you get it in your eyes, make sure to rinse your eyes thoroughly, so you don’t scratch, scrape, or abrade your eye with foreign materials. You should also never share eye makeup with other people.
And finally, no matter how tired you are, take the time to carefully remove all eye makeup at the end of the night. Don’t wear eye makeup to bed on Halloween or any other night of the year.
Avoid this Recipe for Disaster
Halloween combines costumes and trick-or-treating in the dark of night. This can be a recipe for disaster if you don’t take precautions and use common sense.
Don’t choose a costume that involves sharp objects, either worn or carried, like spiky superhero outfits, helmets, swords, arrows, spears, or even magic wands. Avoiding sharp objects reduces your risk of eye or face injuries right off the bat.
As you plan for trick or treating, make sure you have a flashlight with fresh batteries ready to go and use it! Treat yourself to the best Halloween ever with the right choices to keep your eyes safe.
Do you want to learn more ways to keep your eyes healthy and safe? Schedule an appointment at Eyecare Medical Group in Portland, ME, today!